Cost to Apply for a Liquor License
While there is absolutely no definitive answer to the question: “How much does a Liquor Store or Bottle Store Liquor License Cost?”, we have endeavored in the document below to give you an idea of some of the costs associated with obtaining, holding and maintaining a Liquor Store or Bottle Store License.

All applications have different requirements, and all applications differ in price.
This will depend on numerous factors including:-
- The Value of your Liquor Store or Bottle Store License,
- Fees of the Region and / or Liquor Authority where you’re License must be Lodged.
- The amount of time it takes to Complete your Application
- Compiling and Collection of Supporting Documents Required, ie. 3D Layout of Store, Floor Plan, Motivation in Support of Application, Description of Premises etc.
PLEASE NOTE. Section 23 (3) of the Gauteng Liquor Act 2 of 2003
Where an application for a license has been refused by the Board, NO new application may be made in respect of the same premises within 1 (one) year from the date of refusal, except by special leave granted at the discretion of the Board. It is advised that ALL documents submitted are reflecting the correct information.™ will assist client with full submission, however the client remains fully responsible for submission.™ cannot guarantee any application / liquor license submission, as we do not have full access to any clients information, and we can only use documents submitted by Client / Applicant / Franchisee.
How Cooperative and Efficient you are in supplying us with the documents, Plans and Information that we require to Complete your Application, Ready for your Submission.
Liquor Store / Bottle Store – Liquor License Application Cost:-
- New Liquor License Application: Contact for Quote
- Renewal of Liquor License: Contact for Quote
- Alteration of Premises: Contact for Quote
- Nomination of Manager: Contact for Quote
- Liquor Licence Price: Contact for Quote

Our Fees Includes:-
- Telephone and Online Support,
- The numerous and varied disbursements that come with a liquor license, including National Liquor Authority and Provincial Liquor Board Application Fees, Lodgement Fees and Grant Fees,
- Any and ALL Advertising, Photocopying, Printing and Couriering of Documents pertaining to your Liquor License Application,
- Answering of queries from Police Inspectors and the Liquor Board,
- AND, Finalization of your Liquor License Application.
Liquor License Price and Step by Step Liquor License Application Procedure Guide